mercredi 24 août 2011

HISTORIC PARK de Michael Rowe

Le projet de long métrage développé avec Michael Rowe (Année Bisextile) prend forme. HISTORIC PARK racontera la relation difficile d'un couple sur fond de surconsommation, de toxicomanie et de fuite en avant. Ce projet sera tourné au Québec. En voici un court synopsis en anglais:

David, 39, works days as a coach driver in a historic park, and nights as a nurse in a retirement home. He dotes on his children, plies his wife with latest model gadgets and cars, and keeps the wheels of his life turning with painkillers and antidepressants. But when he catches her with a lover, his life spirals out of control and into a divorce that will take him to the brink of insanity, only to wash him up on the other side of 40 poor, gaunt and alone, but free for the first time in his adult life

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